Organic Kombucha

Kombucha Tea, Cultures, Benefits and Hazards

Day 3, Kom and get me! October 4, 2007

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Ok, so as days go… not my proudest.  I had a busy day filming some comedy shorts, and it’s hard to be very active when you’re couped up all day!   So, exercise?  Nada.  I’m exxxhausted.  No noticeable differences in me today.  AND I backslid:  drank a diet coke at the theater!  We all know soda is no good.  I need to start bringing a little thermos with me with either green tea or k-tea, so that circumstantial cravings won’t get the best of me.  Or the worst of me.  Or… just me in general.

I am exhausted.  Completely poop*ed.  (*Still sinking, by the way.)