Organic Kombucha

Kombucha Tea, Cultures, Benefits and Hazards

My Favorite Kombucha Flavor February 3, 2009

Filed under: vanessa — kombuchasean @ 2:29 pm
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My favorite kombucha flavor. I found myself thinking on this for a little too long today. So what does that mean you ask yourself my fellow kombucha tea lovers you. This must mean that I do not have a favorite kombucha flavor. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kombucha flavors? “Flavors? They come in different flavors I thought it was natural.” Well yes my friend you can buy flavored kombucha or you can flavor your own home brewed kombucha very easily by adding a bit of your favorite fruit. Some of my favorites include, raspberry, grape, guava, cranberry and a mixture of all of the above which makes for a really kick arse beverage.

For the more adventurous kombucha drinkers out there I have also added vodka for a reallllyyy nice kombucha cocktail. My friend who would never touch the stuff before are now hooked because they were willing to try some kombucha with vodka. Now they are buying kombucha at whole foods…someday they will brew their own, if they get smart.

I wonder what a grand world we would have if there were kombucha soda shops where you go in and ask for any flavor you like. Then you sit down at the counter, throw your feet up on the stoop, and enjoy a nice tall, tasty, sip of your favorite kombucha flavor iced cold. Mmmm…my mouth is literally watering right now. Then again coffee and tea shops could also start carrying kombucha, some already do, but none around me I don’t think. Sounds like I need to go out and do invetigating/demanding, come on even my liquor store sells kombucha. Well in a perfect world we would have peace before kombucha soda shops anyway but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Some people ask ask and it is given. I’m asking.


Day 3, Kom and get me! October 4, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — yumv @ 3:33 am
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Ok, so as days go… not my proudest.  I had a busy day filming some comedy shorts, and it’s hard to be very active when you’re couped up all day!   So, exercise?  Nada.  I’m exxxhausted.  No noticeable differences in me today.  AND I backslid:  drank a diet coke at the theater!  We all know soda is no good.  I need to start bringing a little thermos with me with either green tea or k-tea, so that circumstantial cravings won’t get the best of me.  Or the worst of me.  Or… just me in general.

I am exhausted.  Completely poop*ed.  (*Still sinking, by the way.)