Organic Kombucha

Kombucha Tea, Cultures, Benefits and Hazards

MIA: Kombucha Update January 8, 2009

Hey everyone! Remember me!? The guy who was doing the 30 day kombucha challenge with the videos on this very blog? Your old pal Sean? Anyone? Well, I owe you all an apology I got busy in my personal life and put my health conscious life on hold (kind of). I got very busy producing videos for my comedy website which you can of course check out! I have been brewing for awhile now and although I have not documented my results as I showed of I can honestly say that I have more energy now than I have in my entire life after drinking Kombucha regularly for about one year. I noticed when I first started drinking Kombucha Tea I would get a pretty big buzz off of it kind of like those first few cigarettes (not that I smoke, disgusting habit) and after awhile the buzz became a little less but I’m still “buzzin” off the stuff (also note, I do not drink kombucha for the buzz, it’s just an added incentive is all). I was someone who was experiencing a lot of heartburn, I would take tums, Mylanta, and even Prilosec to try and curb but nothing helped! Nothing! That is until about two months after regularly drinking Kombucha and now I can honestly say that my heartburn is gone and I could not be happier! So I hope all is well in everyone’s lives and i wish you all a happy new year. You should be seeing me around this blog a lot more this year so stay tuned!


Hello Kombucha Friends

Filed under: vanessa — kombuchasean @ 5:33 am

Hello everyone! My name is Sean and you will be seeing me around this here blog for awhile. Much like Vanessa I will be partaking in the 30 Day Kombucha Challenge. I am going to mainly be doing video blogs. So with that I stop typing.


Hello Kombucha Friends February 15, 2008

Filed under: 30 Day Challenge,kombucha — kombuchasean @ 2:51 am

Hi everyone! My name is Sean and you will be seeing my face around here for awhile. I will be doing video blogs on all things Kombucha and will be partaking in the thirty day Kombucha challenge. I would much rather do videos than type more than 3 lines so…