Organic Kombucha

Kombucha Tea, Cultures, Benefits and Hazards

Kombucha 2009!!! January 9, 2009

It’s 2009 and that means resolutions, and for me, this happens to be the year of Kombucha. I’m not going to marry myself to a 30 day challenge or anything like that because…well let’s face it look what happeneded last time when I tried to drink kombucha for 30 days. I crapped out. For me the mental challenge is more difficult then the actual drinking kombucha and documenting the results if that makes any sense whatsoever, it feels like extra credit in high school when you already had the A. I would rather just feel the results and go about my life drinking kombucha. What am I blabbing about? New years resolutions I suppose.

My new years resolutions for 2009 are as follows:
1. Exercise (regularly) – My problem with this in the past was I would exercise but completely irregularly and only yoga. The problem with youga though is that you can get your muscles so loose that you actually lose strength so it made it harder for me to do more body weight exercise, I hope to develop some kind of hybrid routine. Any tips? Post them in the comments.

2. Drink more Kombucha, Green tea, and yerba mate – Something I have more or less already been doing. Sitting here typing this right now I have my green tea sitting next to me and it really is wonderful. OH! And to drink less coffee, in a pinch I really don’t think coffee is that bad.

3. Eat healthy – This is probably the toughest one because it’s not that eat poorly now, it’s that I have poor eating habits. Over eating the wrong foods, under eating the good ones. This is largely do to ignorance on my part and not knowing what to eat. I’m going to be doing some more research on this one.

4. BE PRODUCTIVE and DEDICATED – To go balls to the walls about the things I’m passionate about and to make things happen for myself because guess what nobody else can do this for you.

5. Wake up early! – I’m lucky enough to have the kind of job where I can make my own hours but that doesn’t mean I want to waste y time and day. I wish I had a cold glass of kombucha waiting for me next to my bed in the morning, or better yet in the morning; yerba mate! Yerba gives me such a great feeling of well being, it’s great in the morning.

So my kombucha journey into 2009 has just begun. What are your goals this year?

*Note – After reading this I actually want to do another 30 day challenge of some sort.


Setting up your porcelain brewer February 24, 2008

Hey guys before I get to the official 30 day kombucha challenge I have to set up my porcelain kombucha brewer. So check out part 1 of what should end up being a 5 part video, and stay tuned because I will be making kombucha step by step!